Meet the Moreland Family...

Todd, Lauri, Lindsey and Brittany Moreland have  quite the story to tell. Lindsey was diagnosed with autism at 28 months, plunging the whole family into survival mode. Their journey took them through heartache and struggle but through perseverance, they found hope. 

Another thing they found was a critical need to combat the judgement, loneliness and bullying they experienced. So they embarked on a new journey to promote understanding and inclusion – and their non-profit corporation Autism LM was born! 

Today, we're a family on a mission...

Lindsey Moreland

My mission is to share my story through our book, speaking engagements, and autism/mental health events. By sharing our family story of living with autism and mental health concerns, I hope to inspire others to survive, live, and thrive in today's society. I am also on a mission to spread awareness about bullying and to accept differences.

Lindsey Moreland

My mission is to share my story through our book, speaking engagements, and autism/mental health events. By sharing our family story of living with autism and mental health concerns, I hope to inspire others to survive, live, and thrive in today's society. I am also on a mission to spread awareness about bullying and to accept differences.

Brittany Moreland

I am on a mission to spread awareness and acceptance with regards to autism and mental illness. Together, we can help others work towards overcoming the negative stigma of having a special need or mental illness. I encourage others to live beyond their labels and make b.u.d.d.y packs so that we can live in a world of kindness and understanding. We will live, survive, and thrive.


Lauri Moreland

As a mom of children with special needs i'm on a mission to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate others about individuals who live with autism and mental health. Also to see people become stronger and more compassionate for those living with any disability.

Lauri Moreland

As a mom of children with special needs i'm on a mission to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate others about individuals who live with autism and mental health. Also to see people become stronger and more compassionate for those living with any disability.

Todd Moreland

Being a father of two daughters with special needs, I'm on a mission to make sure dad's have a voice and to let people know it's okay to reach out for support.

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